Invite prospects to join your private benchmark group to show them how your clients or members outperform the norm, and prove your expertise with data.
Draw unique, data-backed insights and takeaways from your group and turn it into valuable content that attracts attention, links, social shares, and leads.
Replace your cold sales pitches with invites to your niche group, so prospects can see how they compare to others, and get unique insights on their industry.
Differentiate yourself from competitors by offering access to your private benchmark group, data, and surveys.
Your target customers are bombarded by inbound, and deafened by noise. Sure, you could keep running the same old outbound or inbound playbooks. But we think there’s a better way. We call it, “Collaborative Growth”.
Learn more
The setup is fast! We can create your invite-only group for you, or you can create it yourself in minutes. Once you connect your data sources, it only takes a few seconds to see your benchmark data. You can invite members to join your private group by entering their email addresses, or sharing a link wherever you want.
There’s no catch! Creating an invite-only group is 100% free. We don’t sell your data or run ads. We’re the team behind Databox, our app that lets you track, forecast, and share your entire company’s or client’s performance in one place. To help introduce more people to that product, we’re offering this one free.
The data in Benchmark Groups is not sold. Your member’s data is protected and fully anonymized.