YouTube Benchmarks for Agencies, including Views, Likes, Subscribers, Watch Time and others.
Marketing & Advertising
Created by Benchmark Groups, 2 years ago
Date Range
Last month
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Last month
Average View Duration measures the average length of time viewers watched a video before leaving. It helps creators determine the level of audience engagement with their content.
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Subscribers gained is a metric that measures the number of new subscribers a YouTube channel has acquired over a specific period of time, such as a day, week, or month.
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The Comments metric represents the number of comments left by viewers on a YouTube video. It is an important engagement metric that indicates how viewers are interacting with the content and can help creators understand how their audience is responding to their videos.
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The Likes metric on YouTube measures the number of users who have positively expressed their appreciation for a video by clicking the thumbs up icon. This metric indicates the level of audience engagement and sentiment towards the video and can influence its visibility in search results and recommendations.
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