Discover how you stack up in areas such as Clicks, Clicks, Impressions, Impressions, Spent, Reactions and Engagement.
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Created by Benchmark Groups, a year ago
The Clicks metric represents the total number of clicks on your ad, including clicks on links, buttons, and other interactive elements within the ad.
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LinkedIn Ads
The Clicks metric on LinkedIn Company Pages measures the total number of times users have clicked on content or elements on your page, such as links, posts, images, and buttons.
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LinkedIn Company Pages
Impressions refer to the number of times your LinkedIn Company Page content is displayed on someone's screen, whether or not they engage with it. It indicates the potential reach of your posts.
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LinkedIn Company Pages
Impressions is a metric that measures the total number of times your ad was shown to LinkedIn users, regardless of whether they clicked on it or not.
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LinkedIn Ads
Spent is a metric that indicates how much money has been paid for LinkedIn Ads campaign or set of campaigns. It is the total amount of your advertising spend during a specific time period.
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LinkedIn Ads
The Reactions metric on LinkedIn Company Pages measures the number of likes, comments, and shares on your posts. It helps gauge audience engagement and sentiment towards your content.
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LinkedIn Company Pages
Engagement is a metric that measures how users interact with your content on LinkedIn. This can include likes, comments, shares, and clicks.
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LinkedIn Ads