Gain insights into your metrics such as Average Percentage Viewed, Average View Duration, Comments, Shares, Subscribers, Subscribers Gained, Subscribers Lost, Views and Watch Time.
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Created by Benchmark Groups, 9 months ago
The Average Percentage Viewed metric is a measure of the average percentage of a video that a viewer watches before clicking out or stopping. It can help creators understand audience engagement and optimize video content.
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Average View Duration measures the average length of time viewers watched a video before leaving. It helps creators determine the level of audience engagement with their content.
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The Comments metric represents the number of comments left by viewers on a YouTube video. It is an important engagement metric that indicates how viewers are interacting with the content and can help creators understand how their audience is responding to their videos.
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Shares is a metric that measures how many times a YouTube video has been shared across different social media platforms, indicating its virality and potential reach beyond the YouTube platform.
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The Subscribers metric on YouTube refers to the number of users who have chosen to follow a particular channel and receive updates when new content is posted. It is an important measure of a channel's popularity and engagement with its audience.
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Subscribers gained is a metric that measures the number of new subscribers a YouTube channel has acquired over a specific period of time, such as a day, week, or month.
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The Subscribers Lost metric measures the total number of subscribers who have unsubscribed from a channel during a specific time period. It indicates the decrease in the audience size and can be used to analyze the reasons for the loss of subscribers.
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The Views metric on YouTube shows the number of times a video has been watched. It includes both unique and repeat views and is one of the most important indicators of a video's success.
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Watch Time is the total amount of time viewers spend watching a video on YouTube, from start to finish. It's a crucial metric for creators, as it directly impacts video ranking and monetization potential.
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