Digital Marketing Benchmark Group for B2B SaaS and Software Companies

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Secret Sushi

Secret Sushi

Benchmark your performance against other B2B SaaS and software companies using key digital marketing metrics such as impressions, Average CTR, Cost, Conversion Rate, Engagement, CPC, Sessions, and Views per Session. Targeted at companies with annual revenues ranging from $1M to $50M.

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Sessions are a collection of interactions that take place on a website within a specified time frame. Each session can include multiple pageviews, events, and other actions taken by a user.

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Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4

Views per Session

Views per Session is a Google Analytics 4 metric that calculates the average number of pages viewed during a single session on your website or app.

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Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4

Event Count

The Event Count metric in Google Analytics 4 measures the total number of times a specific event has occurred on your website or app, giving you insight into user engagement and behavior.

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Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4

Engagement Rate

Engagement Rate is a metric that measures how users interact with your website or app. It captures the percentage of sessions in which users engaged with your site, such as clicking on a link, watching a video or scrolling through content.

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Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4

Engaged Sessions

Engaged Sessions is a Google Analytics 4 metric that measures the number of sessions where users engaged with the website or app. Engagement is defined as the amount of time spent actively interacting with the content, such as scrolling, clicking, or watching videos.

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Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4

Keywords in TOP 10

The Keywords in TOP 10 metric shows the number of organic search keywords for which a domain or URL ranks in the top 10 search results on Google. This helps to assess the search engine visibility and ranking performance of a website.

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Impressions metric represents the number of times a webpage of your site has appeared in search results, regardless of whether or not it was clicked by a user.

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Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Average CTR

CTR, or click-through rate, is the ratio of clicks to impressions of a webpage or ad, expressed as a percentage. It measures the effectiveness of a website or ad in getting clicks from potential users.

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Google Search Console

Google Search Console


The Position metric in Google Search Console is a numerical value that indicates the average position of your website's pages in search engine results pages (SERPs) for a particular keyword or query. A higher position means that your website ranks closer to the top of search results.

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Google Search Console

Google Search Console


Click-Through Rate (CTR) is the ratio of clicks to impressions of an ad, expressed as a percentage. It measures the effectiveness of an ad and indicates how relevant it is to the target audience.

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Google Ads

Google Ads

Cost / Conversion

Cost/Conversion is a Google AdWords metric that measures the amount of money spent on a campaign divided by the number of conversions (desired actions taken by users). This metric helps advertisers determine the efficiency of their campaigns and optimize them accordingly to achieve their conversion goals at a lower cost.

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Google Ads

Google Ads

Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate is the percentage of users who take a desired action on your website or landing page after clicking on your ad. It is used to measure the effectiveness of your Adwords campaigns.

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Google Ads

Google Ads


Cost is the amount of money you have spent on your Google AdWords campaign. It can be viewed as a total cost or broken down by ad, keyword, or other customizable factors.

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Google Ads

Google Ads

Average CTR

The Average CTR (Click-Through Rate) measures the percentage of impressions that result in clicks on a LinkedIn ad. It's a key performance indicator (KPI) that helps gauge ad effectiveness. A higher CTR indicates that more people are interested in the ad, leading to better engagement and potentially higher conversion rates.

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LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

Average Engagement

The Average Engagement metric measures the average number of clicks, likes, comments, and shares on a LinkedIn post, indicating the level of audience engagement with the content.

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LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

Average CPC

Average CPC is the average cost per click for your LinkedIn Ads campaign. It is calculated by dividing the total cost of the campaign by the number of clicks received.

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LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads


Engagement is a metric that measures how users interact with your content on LinkedIn. This can include likes, comments, shares, and clicks.

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LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads


The Updates metric on LinkedIn Company Pages measures the frequency and engagement level of posts shared by the company, indicating the reach and impact of content.

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LinkedIn Company Pages

LinkedIn Company Pages

Unique impressions

Unique impressions measure the number of individual LinkedIn users who have viewed a specific piece of content on a Company Page, regardless of how many times they have seen it.

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LinkedIn Company Pages

LinkedIn Company Pages

New Followers

New Followers is the number of users who have started following a company's LinkedIn page within a designated time period. It reflects the growth of a company's audience on the platform.

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LinkedIn Company Pages

LinkedIn Company Pages

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Databox's Benchmark Groups product allows you to benchmark your company's performance against groups of similar companies. With integrations with 50+ popular marketing, sales and financial software tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, QuickBooks — to name just a few, you can see how your entire company's performance stacks up. Then, use the benchmarks to develop a better company strategy, justify investing in new initiatives, set goals for different teams, or just to have peace of mind that you're doing ok.

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